Monsido On Demand Scan

For the agency websites that are within, our team currently has them set up to run a weekly Monsido scan and from that scan a report is sent out to the agencies emails that show the broken links and accessibility errors that were identified by Monsido and need to be corrected.

Example of what the Monsido Scan report

If you just made changes to your website and need to run a scan of your website with Monsido you can do that using the "Start on Demand Scan" within the Admin Settings section

Special Note: The best practices for how often to run a Monsido scan is once a week but if you are not receiving the reports for your site then please submit a service now ticket and our support team can help.

Can I check the status of our weekly a scan?

You can see the scan progress of your site within the Domain Overview section in Monsido. 

Locating the scan status in the Domain overview

If you noticed that your scan has paused and it's been more than 48 hours then to unpause your scan you will need to contact the Monsido support team through their email or chat. 

contact monsido customer support if scan is paused

Using the Monsido Chat support feature will typically help you to get a response that same day for them to help unpause your scan for you.

Monsido Policy List Scan

If you want to do a search to locate all the pages that have a specific phrase, number, link or text in general then this is where the Policy List Scan within Monsido will be the best fit for this task.  

Examples of the DX platform policy lists

This is different from the on demand scan because you have more customization abilities on what text you specifically want it to scan your whole site for and show the exact pages for your team to fix. 


How to Run an On-Demand Monsido Scan

To run a manual on-demand scan with Monsido you can do that by selecting the gear icon in the top right section of the monsido page:

Locating the admin section in monsido

Once you select that it will bring you to another window with your website property within a table, from there you will select the "Action" button and within the dropdown that appears you can then click the "Start on Demand Scan" 

Location of how to manually start an on demand scan in monsido

How to Locate the Monsido Policy Scan

Within Monsido under the Policy tab you can click on the “Add New Policy” button within your policy list if you need to have a certain word or link searched through all of the pages on your site.

how to search for the monsido policy scan

How to Create a Policy Scan of your Site

Within the Policies Page you will first select "Add new Policy" in the far right 

Where to find the monsido policy scan

Within the new window that opens you now select "Create your own Policy"

Create a custom policy scan in monsido

Then select "All Assets"  box

Select all Assets for the policy scan

Within the next window make sure to scroll down and have your Domain selected within the dropdown in the settings tab, just click "Choose your Domain"

choose your domain for the monsido policy scan

From there you can click the "Add Rule to Policy" within the right side field and when you do a list will appear and from there you will pick the "Select text from the list "

Select from the policy list for the scan

This is now where you can add the word/phrase that you want the scan to search for.

add your words to the policy rule and save

Make sure to click save after you've added the policy rule and once you finish saving the policy one final time the window will bring you back to the policy list page and the scan will run automatically!