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What are Orphaned pages

Orphaned pages are published content type pages that are not listed within any menu navigation. Be sure to check your agency orphan page report and if you do see any pages that are listed within it be sure they are added to your navigation which will help make sure the content on your site is indexed for search and accessible for your users.

Example of a basic page as an orphaned page

Special note: When you review the report it is likely that your landing page (aka homepage) is marked as orphaned, same as the 404 page and location but that is okay and you can ignore adding those to any menu navigation because these specific pages are already going to be indexed. 

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How to Correct Orphaned pages

To correct an orphan page you will need to add it to a menu. Here is an example of an orphaned page, as you can see in the menu settings it says not in menu and the “Provide a menu link” box is unchecked. 

example of an orphaned page not in the menu

The process to fix an orphaned page is super simple all you will need to do is check the “Provide a menu link” box.

adding an orphaned page to a menu

Then within the parent link drop down you can select which menu navigation you would like the page to be listed within.

Correctly added orphaned page

Doing this will now correct the orphaned page because now it can be found within the menu! Here is an example of the previously orphaned “Work with the media Library” page now corrected and showing within the Media & Embed Menu Navigation

Orphaned page now fixed and showing in menu

You may also find within the report an orphan page that is a duplicate of a page in which case you can just delete it if you have the proper author access.

Example of deleting a page using the delete button above the page:

process on how to delete a duplicate orphaned page

Example of deleting a page using the content library:

deleting a content page from library
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How to Check if Content is Being Used

If you are unsure if the basic page that appears on the report is being linked/used on another page a quick way to verify that is to select the Usage button on that page.

how to find the usage button

If there are no results for this content being used you can safely delete this orphan page. If it is being used within a page you can click the link within the Entity field which will take you to the page where this content is being used.

Locating where pages are being linked


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