Navigate to our DX Training Video guide for further visual guidance.
(Note: In order to keep the experience consistent for all website please keep the 404 page name "Please accept our apologies. We can't find that page" )
How to Find 404 Page
After you are logged in go to content and then a fast way to locate the 404 page would be to add within the title search field "Please accept our apologies. We can't find that page" This is the name of the 404 page

Additionally you can also access the Edit button by going to your agency 404 url as shown below

Can't find the 404 Edit Button
If you go to your agencies 404 page and don't see an edit button:

You can alternatively make edits your 404 page by making sure you are logged in and then within the url you would type: youragencywebsite /node/3/edit
(For example if my agency was so to edit the 404 page if the edit button is not found I would type within the url: "")

How to Add Link List to 404 Page
You can edit and customize the 404 page to have links for your primary website content.
Within the body tool bar next to the button for adding media, you can add different links/collections list to give your 404 page that extra nice touch