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All sites benefit from using structured vocabularies that allow for different terms to be used site-wide. For example, a Vocabulary might be Fruit Types, and the Terms inside that might be Citrus, Berries, Stonefruit.
Think of it like aisles of a grocery store: Bread is the Vocabulary (aisle) and in that aisle are Terms or types: Buns, Loaves, Baguettes.
Learn more about taxonomies and how they work
For example, the possible terms inside the Contact Type vocabulary could include:
- Administrative Staff
- Appointed Official
- Elected Official
- Emergency Contact
- Support and Maintenance Staff
Example of Taxonomy Vocabulary:

Example of Taxonomy Contact Type Terms:

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Everyone who writes things on this website has a special title. These titles give them certain abilities, like who can edit, review and publish what. You can ask for a different title or take one away from someone using the user manager.
How to Add Taxonomy Terms
NOTE: Users with the role of Agency Manager can adjust or edit taxonomies.
There are a few ways to add taxonomy terms; first you can navigate to the structure button where the Taxonomy dropdown will appear. Next hover over taxonomy and the next dropdown of the available vocabulary types will appear:
Method 1:

Click on the Vocabulary type you would like to add a term to, for example I will click on Contact Type. Once on the Contact Type Page you can add a term by clicking the blue "Add term" button

The other method of navigating to the taxonomy vocabulary types to add taxonomy terms would be to click directly on the Taxonomy button.
The list of Vocabulary names will appear and you can "add terms" by clicking on the arrow beside the "List Terms" button.
Method 2:

Editing Taxonomy/Division
When adding, deleting or editing terms, go to "List terms" for a full list of available options. You can easily change the name of any of the taxonomy from the list terms page by selecting the edit button within the operations row.

From there the edit page will appear and you can make your changes to the taxonomy/division name. Once you save your edits this will automatically update across the site for you for any content that has that taxonomy as it's tagged topic or division.
How to Use Row Weights
You can manually move terms around by either clicking on the weight row and selecting a number:
Example: Appointed Official term with the weight of -5 is below Administrative Staff term with the weight of -6

Example: Example: Appointed Official term with the weight of -b is above Administrative Staff term with the weight of -5

Terms are displayed in ascending order by weight but there is another method to moving terms and that is done if you hide the row weight by clicking the eye button and there you will see the crossbars appear.
Example: Row Weight Unhidden

Example: Row Weight Hidden

How to Add Taxonomy Child Terms
There are a few ways you can add child terms to your taxonomy, one quick way is by clicking on the arrow next to the edit button and the "add child" button will appear
Example: Add child term from Taxonomy Type page

Or you can add a child term by clicking on the blue "+Add term" button and from the term page you can click on the "Relations" where you can select from the list of Parent terms you would like to add this term to as a child term
Example: Add a child term from the term page under relations dropdown

Next Steps
Now that you know how to create taxonomy vocabulary and terms it's time to put those terms into action by creating content and properly categorizing your content type with it's relevant taxonomy type.