This guide will show you how to schedule pages to be published automatically at a later date using the "Schedule a Status Change" feature within content pages:

Things to Know:
- Double-Check Draft Status: Make sure the "Save as" field is set to "Draft" before scheduling. This ensures the scheduler changes it to published at the chosen time.
- Revision Window: There is a 15-30 minute buffer before the post is scheduled and seen live, during this time you can make any last minuet changes within this revision window. So if you scheduled a post to be published at 4:16 you until 4:25 for it to be seen live by the public.
- Not all content types can be scheduled: Currently the pages that can be scheduled are:
- Basic Page
- Book Page
- How Do I
- Location
- Contact
- Landing Page
- Event
- FAQ List
- News
- Listing Page
- Display Date vs Schedule a Status Change: For News Article URL the Display Date field is the only field that will effect the date showing within the URL. When you schedule a status change the date in the URL will not change. If you want to change the Date within the URL you will use the Display Date Field to do so.
Example of Display Date:

Example of the Display Date within the URL:

Save your Page as a Draft
Create the page you want to and make sure the save as field is set to Draft:

Schedule your Page
In order to schedule your page to be published you will need to use the "Schedule a status change" text below the save as dropdown field.
From there you can have the status change to "Published" and set it to a specific date and time.

After that is set make sure to keep the "Save as" field set to "Draft" and click save, for reference this is what your correctly scheduled page should look like before you click save:

Published by Mistake? Here's how to remove it~ If you accidentally publish the content right away (by setting "Save as" to "Publish"), you can fix it so the public will stop seeing that page.
Change the "Save as" field from "Published" to "Archived" if you want to remove it from being able to be seen publicly.
After you have it saved as "Archived" go back in and save it back to "Draft" to remove it from public view.
Republishing Scheduled Content
If you want to edit and reschedule previously scheduled content:
- Change the "Save as" field back to "Draft."
- Edit your content as needed.
- Don't worry the edits that you are making will not be seen by the public until the status changes from "Draft" to "Published" which will be done when you are using the Schedule Status Change feature.
By following these steps, you can schedule your page status can be scheduled to change to be published automatically at a chosen time, ensuring your content goes live exactly when you want it to!