
Temporary unpublished access tokens allow you to share draft or unpublished content. You can do this without creating user accounts.  You must have editing permissions for the content you want to share. This is helpful for situations like:

  • Sharing content with reviewers or collaborators for feedback.
  • Granting temporary access to clients for approval before publishing.
  • Giving certain users access to content they usually can't see.

When to Use

This feature is ideal for scenarios where you want to:

  • Control Access: Give temporary access to certain people without creating permanent user accounts.
  • Share Drafts Safely: Set an expiration date to stop unauthorized access after a certain time.
  • Streamline Review Process: Make it easier for reviewers to access unpublished content and work together.


  • Token URL: A unique link generated for each piece of content.
  • Content Status: The content must be saved as a draft or in review to enable the temporary unpublished access feature.
  • Lifetime Duration: Specify how long the token URL remains valid (e.g., 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, Unlimited).
  • Generate Token Button: Creates the unique token URL for sharing.
  • Right-hand Sidebar: The "Temporary unpublished access" section is located within the content edit screen's sidebar.
Location of the Unpublished access token

Navigate to the Content Edit Page

Open the content piece you want to share in edit mode. Check Content Status to make sure the content status is either "Draft" or "Review."

Content status type

Locate the "Temporary Unpublished Access" Section

Navigate to the section titled "Temporary Unpublished Access" in the right-hand sidebar of the edit screen.

Location of the Unpublished access token
  • Set the Lifetime Duration: Choose the desired expiration date or duration for the access token. This determines how long the access will remain valid.
Token access duration
  • Generate the Token: Click the "Generate Token" button. This will create a unique token URL.
Generated access token
  • Share the Token URL: Copy the generated token URL and share it with the specific user you want to grant access to the unpublished content.

How to Delete "Temporary Unpublished Access" Token

You can delete the token by going back to the page and navigating to the Temporary unpublished access section and then within the Operations column you can select the button  where you can either copy or delete the token.

How to delete a token