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Purpose of Listing Page of Documents

Listing Pages of Documents are flexible. They help you organize and show many documents clearly and simply. They are particularly useful for document libraries, resource centers, and knowledge bases.

The Listing Page of Documents includes a direct download link. You can create it as a list that shows the document name and a summary. Additionally, it can be set up as a Listing Page of Documents table view within the "List" dropdown field.


Example of the listing page of Document Table option selected: 


Example of the listing page of Document option selected: 

All Available Documents, in a Listing Page

When to Use a Listing Page of Documents:

  • Many Documents: If you have a lot of documents, a Listing Page can help you keep them organized.
  • Sorting and Filtering Different Types of Documents: You can use a Listing Page to group and allow users to sort and filter documents by different filters like, title, date, or document type (like PDFs, Word docs, etc.).
  • Different Topics: Use a Listing Page to group documents by topic or table. This helps create sortable lists.
    • For example, you might want to only allow search filters for documents name "Annual Reports", or by topic "Legislation"
Filters on Documents inside Listing Pages

Elements of a Listing Pages of Documents

You can manually edit the names of filters on the Listing Page of documents. But remember how each filter works before you change its name:

  • Document Name: This is the title of the media item document created when uploaded to the media library.
  • Topic: This is the taxonomy/category field that the document may have been selected as.
  • Document Type: This is the file type taxonomy for agency managers. They can add categories to help sort documents, like "Forms" and "Publications."
  • Division/Section: Use this field for documents tagged for a different Division.
  • Year: The date the document was created or last updated.

Can Listing Page of Documents Filter by Dates?

You can create a document listing page. Just filter the documents by year. Make sure the documents are uploaded to your media library with the correct date. 

Remember, if you want a specific document to show up for a certain year, select that year in the edit section. Do this under "Authoring Information" in the "Authored on" field. 

Example of changing the document date to "2026" so it will show in the listing page document "2026" filter:


Learn more about how to work with Documents in the media library


Navigate to the Content tab

To add pages to your website, click the content button. Ensure you're logged in for access to that tab.


You can sort your created pages using the filter button. To edit them, just select the edit button on the content list page.

(Example of Content list page)


Create a Listing Page and choose the "Docs" option

Go to the content tab where you can select add content and from there you will see the listing page and within the automatic list section is where you will select from the dropdown the Document or Document table listing type.


You can either have all of the documents that are stored in the media library appear within the listing page or you can set the listing page to only show specific documents that have been tagged within a certain Document type, Topics or Division taxonomy. 


The Agency manager will be able to manage adding any new taxonomy term from all of those term options, such as adding different Document Types, Topics and different Divisions.