
Qualtrics is used inside the site to embed or implement Qualtrics functionality

When to Use the Qualtrics functionality

This feature is beneficial for:

  • Embedding an individual Qualtrics link ie into a Basic Page or Landing Page
  • Embedding an overall Qualtrics link across all sites

How To Enable Qualtrics on your Agency Website Header using Google Tag Manager


  1. Navigate to your qualtrics.com dashboard
  2. Turn “on” any of the intercepts you would like to load
    1. Click on the relevant Website/App Insights project (orange icon) in Qualtrics
    2. Navigate to the “Intercepts tab” and click on the intercept you wish to display on the website
    3. Publish the intercept
    4. Activate the intercept
      1. You must both publish and activate for the intercept to show on your website
    5. Confirm that your intercept is active. Active intercepts will show the green “Active” Status in the list of intercepts within the “Intercepts'' tab of your web/app insights project
  3. Grab the “Snippet” of code from the Qualtrics website/app insights project
    1. This code is inclusive of ALL intercepts in the Web/App Insights project and does not need to be modified upon deployment on your site. You can control which intercepts are active, and add new intercepts or delete existing ones all within the Qualtrics platform in your web/app insights project.
  4. Navigate to tagmanager.google.com and embed that Qualtrics snippet into the container for your site
  5. Publish the tag manager item.
  6. The Qualtrics should then load as you’ve specified
  7. Confirm if the Qualtrics snippet is “firing” as expected

Checklist: How To Enable Qualtrics on DX Platform using Media Library Embeds


  1. Log in to your Qualtrics Account
  2. Create your Qualtrics Project and make any necessary changes.
  3. Make sure your Qualtrics intercept is published and activated in the Qualtrics web/app project
  4. Go to your “Media Library”
  5. Create a new “Media Library” reference, which links to the Qualtrics form.
    1. Navigate to a Basic page and use the WYSIWYG body editor to “embed” that media library Qualtrics project
    2. The Basic Page should now load that Qualtrics embed inside its body
    1. Navigate to a Landing page and use the “Layout” tool to “embed” that media library Qualtrics project
    2. The Landing Page should now load that Qualtrics embed inside the layout
  8. Confirm if the Qualtrics snippet is “firing” as expected on the Qualtrics side and you as the Qualtrics user can access any generated responses