How to Edit a Content Page

A quick way to edit a page is by first making sure you are signed into your OKTA and then when you are signed in you will see a red bar and from there you can go to the page you want to edit, then navigate to the edit button that is located between the navigation and title in the page you want to edit. 

Example: Location of the edit button location for basic page content type

example of how to edit a page

If you are searching for a document or media by it's file name within the media section and it's stating that no media is available then the issue is that you need to search for the media name of the document/media.

This is why having the Media name unique to the document/media file name will help you better navigate through your media gallery since the gallery search filter shows what the name of the media is and not the name of the document file.

How to Search for Media Content 

Example of incorrect media search: Document file name appears will appear as "no media available" in media name search

no media available

Example of correct media search: Media name is what will appear in media name search

how to find media

Note: If you are trying to edit a document that is linked from a page and having trouble locating it in the gallery, you can just copy the URL and replace "/download?inline" with "/edit". This will bring you to the edit page.



How to Edit Media

You can get to the edit your media files faster by locating the url at the top and highlight the "/download?inline=" section

Here is an example below where I have "/download?inline=" selected for a media file that I want to identify and edit the media name for:

can't edit a media file

Locate a Document File Name

With "/download?inline" selected you will delete that and replace it with "/edit"
and then hit enter and the edit page for that media item will appear for you!

how to find document file name

You will then see the document file name of that media item. 

can't find document file name