Updating Media/Document files

When updating an image or media document best practice is to go within the media library and select the edit button or edit pencil directly because deleting the media directly from the library and then uploading a new media will result in you having to go back to each page that was using that media/document and update it.

The better method is to instead within the edit field of the image or document you can remove the file from that spot and then add your new file. This method will then have the platform update the media for you across all of the website pages so there are no broken images or broken document links.

example of how to properly update media
Example of how to properly update media in the media library

Items up to 100MB may be uploaded to the site "Media Library" and used throughout any page that can embed or reference media.

Media consists of:

  • Documents (such as PDF files, CSV files, PPT, DOC, the like)
    • Editorial Guidance: Always create HTML where possible
    • Only use PDFs where needed or if lengthy
  • Images (such as JPG or PNG files)
  • Remote videos (such as links to YouTube videos, which may then be embedded)
  • Special Cases:
    • Google Calendar Embeds (such as a Google calendar that need to be disseminated with the public)
    • Tableau visualizations embedded inside a page
    • ArcGIS maps (such as a link to an ArcGIS map) that you wish to display embedded inside a page
    • Tyler Technologies (Data and Insights, formerly Socrata) data visualization, that you display inside a page

Special Note on Media Library Image Sizes

If you are planning to place images in the hero they will need to be a minimum of 1440 x 604 but ideally to scale for retina we like to double the size 2880px (wide). 

Our rule of thumb is the image should always be equal or bigger to the size it will be displayed.

We are trying to keep all images on the site to a 4:3 ratio, but the hero is a bit more custom. We have allowed for uploads of source image at up to 100MB with the focal point to be determined at the Media Library level. If you are planning to use them elsewhere i.e. promos, they should work fine in terms of size. So try to keep everything to a minimum of 1440px for width. 

Images used as the feature on basic pages, promos, and visual link collections follow the 4:3 ratio, meaning that for every 4 pixels of width there should be 3 pixels of height. To calculate the image ratio: Take the height of your image and multiply it by 4/3 to compute the width; or. Take the width of your image and multiply it by 3/4 to compute the height. source: https://www.omnicalculator.com/other/4-3-aspect-ratio

If you need to adjust your image size and do not have Adobe Photoshop you can use one of these free online tools:



Screenshot of media library
Open the media library
Choose the item to upload from your own machine
Place the item from the media library, into the page
Choose and insert selected

Log in to your site

Everyone who writes things on this website has a special title. These titles give them certain abilities, like who can edit, review and publish what. You can ask for a different title or take one away from someone using the user manager.


Navigate to the Media Library

Navigate to the Media Library through two main methods.

  • Option #1: Hover over Content in the top left corner, then over Media, and select Media library.

    Access media library - menu hover
  • Option #2: Click on Content in the top left corner, then, on the next page, select the Media tab. 

    Content page - media tab highlight

Create a new Media Library item

You may create multiple types of "Media" to be stored in the Media Library.

These are most usually:

  • Images (such as JPGs)
  • Documents such as PDFs and XLS files
  • Remote Video (such as a direct link to a YouTube or Vimeo video)
  • Google Calendar Embed (to embed a publicly-accessible Google Calendar of events)

Create your media item by uploading it (or choosing the link and placing it), into the new media item at Content | Media | Add media


Overwrite an individual media item

Media items may be overwritten. From a media management perspective, please attempt to have only ONE version of any media item. Each individual piece of media has a "media ID number", and that number stays attached to that media piece everywhere throughout the site.

EXAMPLE: Headshots (JPG or PNG)

If there is a "Jane Nguyen Headshot 2022" and it's time  to replace all instances of the headshot, with an updated version, you may edit sitewide by editing the Media Library item directly.

"Remove" the headshot and "upload" the new headshot, into that media library item.

Then, all pieces of content that reference that original headshot image, will be updated with the new headshot.

EXAMPLE: Document file (PDF)

If there is a "Harvest Proclamation Report " and and you've made some typo fixes so you now have an updated version, you may edit sitewide by editing the Media Library item directly.

"Remove" the existing PDF and "upload" the new PDF, into that media library item.

Then, all pieces of content that reference that original PDF, will be updated with the new PDF.

EXAMPLE: Remote Video (YouTube)

If there is a "Committee Meeting Video " and and you've made some video fixes to the YouTube version and you now have an updated version, you may edit sitewide by editing the Media Library item directly.

"Remove" the existing YouTube link and "input" the update YouTube link, into that media library item.

Then, all pieces of content that reference that original YouTube video, will be updated with the new YouTube video.


Confirm your knowledge

If you need visual guidance that shows the step-by-step process of creating things for your website make sure to go to our Video Training Page!