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If you want your Primary location content and Primary contact/social media content to appear in the footer you can do this by going to "Site Settings" and clicking on "Agency Settings" to locate the fields where you will search and add your Primary Location and Primary Contact page titles. 

Note: If you need more in depth information on working with your agency primary location and primary contact please refer to the Agency Checklist.


How to Configure Agency Settings

You can locate and configure your Agency Settings by going to Site Settings button and then clicking on Agency Settings tab

where is agency settings

How to add Location & Social Media to Footer

Within the Primary Location Field and Primary Contact Field you will type in the title of your the primary location page and primary contact page you created.

adding socials & location to footer

From there after you save both pieces of content will appear within the footer.

Note: You will need to have these content pages created in order for them to appear when you search within each field. If you haven’t created your Location or Contact content refer to the instructions on  "How do I work with Locations?” & β€œHow to Add Contacts”