Google Tag Manager is typically used by OCIO to assign site-wide tracking codes that are then placed on the website.

You can do a spot-check of tags on your site by using

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GTM Configuration Step 1

Configure and save the Google tag ID on the Drupal site (/admin/site-settings/third-party).


GTM Configuration Step 2

Add the required tags (Google Analytics, Monsido, Chatbot) in the Google Tag Manager dashboard.


GTM Configuration Step 3

Check that the firing triggers are set up correctly for each tag. In most cases this should be “All Pages”.


GTM Configuration Step 4

Create a Page View trigger that fires on All Page Views.


GTM Configuration Step 5

Preview the changes and check the tags are firing using the Tag Assistant debugger.


GTM Configuration Step 6- IMPORTANT

Publish the workspace changes.


GTM Configuration Step 7

If additional changes are required, publish the workspace after making the changes.


GTM Configuration Troubleshooting Checklist

  • Verify that the Google Tag ID configured in the Drupal site is correct.
  • Check that the workspace changes are published.
  • The current live version should contain the tags and triggers.
  • Details of the live version can be found by clicking the “Latest version” link.