Navigate to our DX Training Video guide for further visual guidance.


  • Document: A downloadable document, like a Microsoft Word file or PDF.

  • Google Calendar: A Google Calendar from an embed URL.

  • Image: An image to be used in your site.

  • Remote Video: An embedded remote video from a site like Youtube or Vimeo.

  • Special URL Embeds: Embeds for Flickr, GoogleMyMap, Tableau, Qualtrics, Google Calendar PowerBI, Tableau & Crowdiff

  • Media Library: Can filter by published/unpublished, name, media type, language, sort by

When to Use

Files with a size of up to 100MB are eligible for uploading to the Media Library on the DX Platform. These files can be utilized in any content that supports the embedding or referencing of media.

Note: You have the option to overwrite media files. If you wish to replace an already existing media item, refer to the instructions on how to replace or update media items for further guidance.

Media types

You can enhance your sites by incorporating various media types, such as:

  • Documents (such as PDF, CSV, PPT, DOCX and other document file types)
  • Images (such as JPG or PNG files)
  • Remote videos (such as links to YouTube videos that can be embedded)
  • Embedded content:
    • Google Calendars for public dissemination.
    • Tableau visualizations.
    • Power BI visualizations.
    • ArcGIS maps via a link. 
    • Tyler Technologies (Data and Insights, formerly Socrata) data visualizations.

For more information on the allowed Media types please navigate to our Documentation on Allowed Media Types on the DX Platform


Log in to your site

You can login to your site from

how to login to DX website

Everyone on your agency team who contributes to your website has a specific user role. These roles determine permissions, such as who can edit, review, and publish content. If needed, you can request a role change or remove a role by submitting a service now support ticket.


How to find the Media Library

You can easily find the media library by hovering over Content in the top left corner, then over Media, and select Media library.


Add a media item to the Media Library

 Once you are in the Media Library, you have the option to upload and store multiple types of media. To get started, select the blue + Add media button located on the left under the Media title.

Add media button - media library

Note: You can upload and add media items while creating or editing content. For detailed guidance, follow the "How Do I Add a new media item while editing content?" training.


Select type of media item to add

Choose the desired media type on the Add media item screen to begin adding it to the Media Library.

Add media item on DX Platform (screenshot)

Select the particular type below for step-by-step instructions on adding each new media item.

  • ArcGIS Visualization: Embed an ArcGIS map or app on a page easily, just providing the URL.
  • Data & Insights: Embed a Data & Insights widget.
  • Document: A downloadable document, like a Microsoft Word file or PDF.
  • Google Calendar: A Google Calendar from a embed URL.
  • Image: An image to be used in your site.
  • Power BI Visualization: Embed a Power BI visualization on a page using the visualization URL or embed code.
  • Remote Video: An embedded remote video from a site like YouTube or Vimeo.
  • Tableau Visualization: Embed a Tableau visualization on a page easily, just providing the visualization URL.