For agencies that create UTM URLs (ie  tracking URLs that add parameter details about source, medium, campaign and content) for any paid digital media, OR for  UTM URLs for QR codes, it is important to put all parameters into alphabetical order.

In the case of one of the agencies: historically, we have used the GA-Dev Tools URL builder which sets up the parameters as source, medium, campaign, content in the URL.

If a UTM URL flags that "the website was being redirected too many times" we have found that with Drupal,  we need to set the parameters in alphabetical order. 

This would be campaign, content, medium, source:


Example with a TEST URL:

 utm_campaign, then utm_content, then utm_medium, then utm_source (in alphabetical order)

Please set up UTM URL builders to follow these parameter settings for all Google UTM campaigns moving forward.