Lullabot is working in their two week sprints on a series of feature updates, design cleanup issues.  

In the VV Sprint ending on 6/13 the following items will be addressed:

  • (ID- 3722)  Adjust breadcrumbs displaying if more than 5
  • (ID- 4016) Determine Visual distinction/Increase Visual contrast for an Unpublished page
  • (ID- 4571) Fix teasers icon on automatic list spacing on mobile
  • (ID- 2656) Implement "Add to Calendar" Event button
  • (ID- 4138) Microcontent will have titles that match the heading
  • (ID- 4581) DISALLOW Google from having any direct link to a PDF
  • (ID- 3741) Create sample Outdated Content admin page
  • (ID- 3355) Only display the terms for Topic, Division/Section with results in the filter drop downs
  • (ID- 3771) Make Filters List Collapsible on Mobile
  • (ID- 3631) Implement Sortable Table feature for Listing Page of Documents
  • (ID- 4660) Implement bulk upload capability using DropZone for WYSIWYG Media Library image