Lullabot is working in their two week sprints on a series of design cleanup issues.  This work will cleanup color contrast and text menu color issues.

In the Sprint ending on 5/16 the following items will be addressed:

  • (ID-4546) Allow Pre-embed Promo microcontent display mode option to be switched from basic or graphic
  • (ID-3825) A new component like a “text block” (300 characters) onto a landing page
  • (ID-147) Column displaying content that has not been edited within the past 12 months
  • (ID-3939) Alert Scheduling
  • (ID-2858) Implement Additional Color Palette Option Okoboji Afternoons
  • (ID- 4105) All authors can access the ‘Placement’ so they know all the places an individual file is “used in”
  • (ID-3631) Inside of Listing pages the headers will be “clickable” to sort ascending or Descending.
  • (ID-3828) Create direct link to Calendar for any Google Calendar embed
  • (ID-4506) Add Remote URL field, to Document
  • (ID-4533) Implement CK Editor Anchor Link for the Microcontent input filter WYSIWYG body field.