Lullabot is working in their two week sprints on a series of design, feature and content cleanup issues. 

In the Sprint ending on 5/30 the following items will be addressed:

  • (ID- 3771)  Listing Page Filters to make filters list collapsible on Mobile
  • (ID- 3781) Correct Spacing Between Two Promos Stacked in a Section inside a Landing Page
  • (ID-3623) Fix inconsistencies in the color changes as well as the spacing for Hero images.
  • (ID- 4096) Allow PowerBI to be placed on a landing page 
  • (ID- 4570) Add a Table to an accordion
  • (ID- 4587) Eliminate the Image option for Full Width Promo
  • (ID- 4562) Longer text description on Listing Pages
  • (ID- 4512) improve the way that the data is displayed of Entity Usage
  • (ID- 4290) Allow major content type to auto populate in the Linkit Tool when attempting to find the 'Alert location(s)'
  • (ID- 4583) A Linkit created PDF Document, placed inside a Visual Link Collection on a Landing Page opens inline.
  • (ID- 3741) Create Outdated Content admin page