Lullabot is working in their two week sprints on a series of design cleanup issues.  This work will cleanup color contrast and text menu color issues.

In the Sprint ending on 5/02 the following items will be addressed:

  • (ID-4290)  Allow a global search so agency managers can find specific pages in the drop down search results when placing an Alert
  • (ID-4124) Site wide standard conversion of all External links to open in a new to tab
  • (ID-3825) Enable Text Block on Landing Page
  • (ID-4105) Enable Media File Usage for all levels of users so they know what file is being used where.

  • (ID-3627) Implement bulk upload capability

  • (ID-3741) Create Outdated Tab in Content Admin Page

  • (ID-3923) Topic and Division/Section are available and optional filters for Listing Pages

  • (ID-3828) Off Platform Direct Link to Google Calendar embed

  • (ID-4506) Remote URL Field added to Document Media Type