Event Details
Short videos to learn about 5 key accessibility checks.
Topic: Page title is appropriate length
- Title describes the document - title of the document and link must be unique and descriptive of the document.
- Target 75 characters with a maximum of 255.
- Length: 2 minutes
Topic: Link text is meaningful when read out of context
- Text is specific to the page or document.
- Alt text for all img elements is the empty string ("") or the word 'decorative' if the image is decorative.
- All complex data tables have a summary
- Length: 2 minutes
Topics: Webspec Design presentation - Common website accessibility issues found in Acquia Optimize (Formally known as Monsido).
- All img elements have an alt attribute
- Alt text for all img elements used as source anchors is not empty when there is no other text in the anchor.
- Each source anchor contains text
- The header following an h1 is h1 or h2
- List items must not be used to format text.
- Length: 43 minutes