What's Changed for Authors

  • Document links now open to view the document instead of automatically downloading.  This happens ONLY if using the Linkit tool.  Do not copy and paste a URL for the document - always use Linkit. Test out this feature by clicking this link uploaded for testing purposes.
  • Visual Link Collection cards: Present a different appearance depending on the number of links included.
  • Table of contents menu: Revised to showcase the intended design, establishing a visual connection between chapters and sub-sections. Explore the Anthrax page on the Health and Human Services website to see the table of contents menu and the updated design in action.
  • Social media icons: Substituted the "Twitter" icon with the "X" icon in the social media menu located in the footer of the websites.
    twitter logo update to x
  • Breadcrumbs list: Addressed a spacing concern by removing an extra space before the last item in the list.
  • Accordions and FAQ items: Links are styled appropriately and in accordance with the guidelines outlined in the style guide.
  • Okta configuration: Set up Okta login for EAB, Ethics, DOM, ICN, ABD, and DOE.
  • "How Do I" updates: Resolved the rendering issue for tables generated within a step. Tables will no longer overlap with the menu on the right side of the page.
    Testing tables on "How Do I" page