What's Changed for Authors

  • Okta configuration: Set up Okta login for Terrace Hill and DPS.
  •  Link Collection (List):
    • Eliminated the image field as link collection lists do not include images.
    • Description field increased from 120 characters to a maximum of 200 characters. 
      Character limit for Link Collection Description field
  • Power BI feature is now live and permissions were added to all roles (writer, editor, publisher, agency manager) to create and embed Power BI content.  
    Power BI embed button
  • Book pages and FAQ pages can now be scheduled for moderation.
  • Automatic Lists and Listing Pages: In order to prepare for a "Past Events" category, the following was updated:

    • Automatic Lists: The categories formerly designated as "Events" and "Events (Featured)" in the "List Contents" section have been rebranded as "Upcoming Events" and "Upcoming Events (Featured)" respectively. 

      Automatic lists - upcoming events changes
    • Listing Pages: The category previously labeled "Events" within the "Automatic List" section has now been renamed to "Upcoming Events."