What's Changed for Authors

  • Micro-content embed error fixed: The ability to search and page through the micro-content library when using embed is now working.  Previously, both the search feature and pagination were dysfunctional when attempting to find a specific microcontent piece, but this issue has been resolved.
  • Accordions: Previously, it was not possible to delete individual accordion list items. There was no option to remove specific unnecessary items. Now, authors have the ability to delete a single item within any accordion list. Notably, authors can delete the first item in the accordion, even if its fields are designated as mandatory. 

    Accordion remove button
  • Automatic Lists: Styling is now applied to the "no results message" in automatic lists when accessed by anonymous users. 

    Automatic list empty anon
  • Listing pages: Authors can now establish a video library for any type of content necessitating a large number of videos, such as 12 YouTube videos. 

    Listing page remote vids
  • Micro-content: A new "Add micro-content" button has been introduced to streamline the process of associating content with micro-content, facilitating work with both content types. 

    Add micro-content button