What's Changed for Authors

  • Media Library: Before, determining the number of images in a Media Library grid view was challenging, particularly due to pagination displaying one page at a time. We have now aligned the pagination style in the Media Library grid view with that of the table style for easier comprehension.

    • Before the update

      Media library - pages before
    • After the update 

      Media library - pages after
  • Events: When authors from various time zones add events, their respective time zones do not affect the event's scheduled time. For instance, if an event is set for 7:30pm, it should reflect 7:30pm Central time (Iowa time, where the event will occur). Even if an author is in the Pacific time zone, the event should display as 7:30pm Central time. Now, the time and date of an event adhere to the event's designated time zone.

  • Behind the scenes: Numerous updates this week focused on improving the DX platform behind the scenes, aiming to create a more user-friendly and navigable experience. Some of these updates encompass:

    • Converted the embedded Contact location title to an H4 or <span>.
    • Updated text editor settings.
    • Corrected spacing issues in alert text.