What's Changed for Authors

  • Embedded content (micro-content): Previously, when you clicked on the edit icon for embedded content, it would correctly take you to the edit page for that specific item. However, if you then attempted to edit another embedded item without saving in between, it would unexpectedly redirect you to the edit page of the original item. This meant you had to save the page between edits to properly access and modify each embedded item. Fortunately, this issue has been addressed, and now you can seamlessly edit different embedded items on the edit screen without encountering this redirection problem.

  • Contacts: In the past, certain data configurations could disrupt spacing, despite its general consistency. For example, when an address, an email, and three phone numbers were present, excessive spacing below the email address created noticeable unevenness. Similarly, if an address appeared alongside a single phone number without an email, there was too much spacing below the data, leading to inconsistencies compared to other list items. This error has now been resolved.

  • Behind the scenes: Numerous updates this week focused on improving the DX platform behind the scenes, aiming to create a more user-friendly and navigable experience. Some of these updates include:

    • DOE site: A script was developed to transfer content from the "Press Release" content type on the DOE website to the "News" content type. Additionally, another script was crafted to generate "Contact" content types utilizing the pertinent fields from the existing "Press Release" content type. Both scripts ran successfully.
    • Listing pages: SVG images on listings previously had accessibility issues due to duplicated IDs. However, this issue has been resolved.