What's Changed for Authors

  • Automatic listings: 
    • An automatic listing of Featured News/Events now appears with an H3 title when embedded in a Basic page but keeps its H2 title when on a Landing page. 
    • When an automatic listing of Featured News/Events is included in the body of a Basic page with "Display the 'On this page...' table of contents" checked, the auto listing will not appear in the table of contents.
  • Promos: 

    • When embedding a promo on a landing page, the "Default" display mode was available, but it wasn't particularly useful. The "Default" option has now been removed from the layout builder for promos.

    • With the addition of a new feature called "Video Promo," we will no longer support mixed promos that include both images and videos. Instead, we will now only allow separate, explicit image promos and video promos.

  • Qualtrics: In some very niche situations, when a user had "Adblock" turned off, the embed code could not be displayed as a media library embed. Now, there is a direct link to the external item.
  • YouTube: A YouTube video, when placed in one of the major content types, now displays at the desired 16:9 ratio when set to "Full" size.
  • Behind the scenes: Numerous updates these past few weeks focused on improving the DX Platform behind the scenes, aiming to create a more user-friendly and navigable experience. Some of these updates include:
    • Accessibility: Multiple elements across various pages were violating the "color-contrast" accessibility rule, as text elements lacked sufficient contrast against their backgrounds. After updating the code, the accessibility scores now pass.
    • Media Library: Previously, an individual Media library item appeared twice for authors. Now, it appears only once.